To Glove Up or not to Glove Up? – That seems to be the question.
The simple answer is – if you did not require Gloves to perform the treatment before the Coronavirus, then you don’t require them now!
According to the
You can help to stop the spread of bacteria and viruses that cause infection by simply cleaning your hands.
Every day in Ireland, hundreds of people get sick because of healthcare-associated infections. These infections can cause serious illness and sometimes even death.
Having clean hands is the best way to stop the spread of harmful germs.
Read more: HSE recommendations for hand washing:
Hand Hygiene Policy
We recommend the following Hand Hygiene Policy. Please read and review your business’s policy and ensure that you and your team are enforcing your Hand Hygiene Policy without exception. It is vitally important for the safety of your clients and your team.
- Always wash hands before and after working on a client
- Always wash your hands after touching money/credit cards, door handles
- Always wash your hands before touching your mouth, nose or eyes
- Always wash your hands if your hands are contaminated with respiratory secretions, such as after coughing or sneezing
- Always wash your hands before and after using the bathroom, and before and after eating or drinking
- Do not touch your face or nose (if you do, please disinfect your hands again)
- Cover coughs and sneezes with the inside of your elbow or upper arm
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or paper towel when sneezing or coughing. Dispose of used tissues or paper towels in a covered bin with a plastic bin liner, and then clean your hands thoroughly.
- To ensure the ease & effectiveness of this guidance it is better to :
- tie your hair back in a ponytail
- avoid wearing nail extensions
- avoid wearing jewellery specifically on your hands or wrists.
- It is best to be bare from the elbows down.
As per the HSE, here’s how we should wash our hands:
- Wet your hands with warm water and apply soap.
- Rub your hands together palm to palm until the soap forms a lather.
- Rub the back of one hand with your palm and fingers spread so you wash between fingers. Repeat with the other hand.
- Interlock the top of your hands and rub your fingertips – this cleans your fingertips and knuckles.
- Then finally grasp your thumb tightly and twist to make sure your thumbs are cleaned. Repeat with the other hand.
- This should take at least 20 seconds.
- Rinse your hands under running water.
- Dry your hands with a paper towel and dispose of them in a covered bin with a plastic bin liner
Follow these visual instructions from the WHO
Please Be Mindful of Occupational Dermatitis
Due to the Government Guidelines outlining the requirement of increasing the frequency of hand hygiene, additional care should be taken to avoid Occupational Dermatitis. The use of PPE may be required. Click this links for FAQs on Occupational Dermatitis.
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