Diversity in Ireland - Have Your Say!

Diversity in Ireland – Have Your Say!

posted in: HABIC

Working together with @imageskillnet and @irishcentrefordiversity HABIC Ireland are undertaking a Survey on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in our sector.

There are 3 surveys, one for each of the following:
✔️ Employees
✔️ Owner/ Managers
✔️ Clients

The aim of the survey is to gain an overview of the practices across the sector in relation to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. This will then provide HABIC with a benchmark on which to develop best practice. In addition to this, the survey also aims to establish what supports and/or training the workforce needs in relation to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

We invite you all to take a few minutes to complete the survey relevant to you. Also to encourage your colleagues and clients to participate. Be sure to select the correct survey for you!

👉 Employer Survey

👉 Employee Survey

👉 Client Survey

The survey is completely anonymous and should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. The survey is for use by Image Skillnet and HABIC only.

This is such a critical topic, as #equality#diversity and #inclusion… affects each and everyone one of us in some way.

Thank you sincerely in advance for your time!!

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