Strikepay – Tap to Tip!

Who carries cash these days? This question was relevant before COVID darkened our door and it is all the more relevant now as we are repeatedly asked to make contactless payments as opposed to the ‘old fashioned’ cash payments. So … Read More

Statutory Sick Pay

Sick Leave Pay, another bill for the business owner Earlier this week, cabinet signed-off on new legislation to give all workers the right to paid sick leave. The Government’s Statutory Sick Pay Scheme will be phased in over a four-year … Read More

Enhanced Ventilation – A Vital Necessity

You Should not Underestimate the Importance of Ventilation in Salons You’ll often hear people say that fresh air is good for the soul. Well, fresh air is also good for your health and the health of your customers and your … Read More

Economic Recovery Plan

The Government announced their Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) on Tuesday, 1st June. It was a far-reaching plan with 4 Pillars identified and a €3.6billion package of spending supports and measures to support the economy as we emerge from the pandemic. … Read More

Staffing Issues have gained Government attention.

There’s been much talk within the industry and many of our Members have been in touch voicing their frustrations of staff not returning to work, despite there being ample work. The resulting anxiety and challenges have gained much media attention … Read More

CRSS – Double Restart Weeks

Restart Week – CRSS Guidelines Did you know? Businesses that have qualified for CRSS, may be eligible to claim two additional weeks of support! (ACTE) under the scheme on the first two weeks they reopen/ restart work. For most of … Read More

Patch Testing and COVID-19 Vaccinations

Setting the Story Straight Industry Statement: COVID-19 Vaccinations/Patch Testing To date, we have not seen nor are we aware of any evidence to support or confirm the rumours, regarding the need to wait 2 weeks post-COVID-19 vaccination before getting a colour … Read More

Work Safely Content

Your doors have re-opened, and your clients are back. From all the engagement and feedback from our Members yesterday (Monday May 10th – will we ever forget that date!), there is an overwhelming sense of joy, of re-connection and of … Read More

It’s Official, Our Doors Re-Open on 10th May!

To all our Industry Colleagues – We’ve been on a tumultuous journey over the past number of months to say the least. Who would have thought that when HABIC confirmed Government’s decision for all Personal Services to close on Dec … Read More

HABIC Announces Roadmap for Reopening of the Personal Grooming Sector

28th April 2021:  The Hair and Beauty Industry Confederation (HABIC) today cautiously welcomes the expected announcement later this week by the Government regarding the easing of restrictions. The easing is expected to lead to a re-opening of the personal services … Read More

Impact of Covid-19 on Hair and Beauty Sector

Support needed to ensure future sustainability. Huge increase in black market trading 21st April 2021:  The Hair and Beauty Industry Confederation (HABIC) has written to the Government to highlight the devastating impact of Covid-19 on the sector in Ireland.  It … Read More

Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC)?

Are you eligible? If you are, the closing date for the receipt of Applications for Phase 1 of the Small Business Assistance Scheme is fast approaching. The application deadline is Wednesday 21st April 2021. What is the SBASC? SBASC is intended … Read More

CRSS Update

There seems to be some uncertainty around the CRSS – the COVID Restrictions Support Scheme. Most specifically about making a claim and how often you have to do so. This scheme was announced as part of the 2021 Budget and … Read More

Don’t let Lockdown get you Down!

We’ve been here before and so we know what to expect. This alone could get you down – BUT DON”T LET IT! Use it to your advantage. Set some daily goals for yourself with a balance of keeping busy and … Read More

What a Difference a Day Makes…

What is the difference between salons reopening on the 1st or 2nd after all it is only one day!!! The Reality is… The reality and lost revenue for one day in regard to personal grooming services is massive. At this point … Read More

Reopening Date – Dec 1st or Dec 2nd?

Many of you have been seeking confirmation on a reopening date and we understand that it’s getting close now and we need clarity. We have met with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and stressed the importance of clarity … Read More

National Minimum Wage

In early October 2020, the Government approved the Low Pay Commission’s increase in the National Minimum Wage of 10 cent an hour. This represents a 10 cent increase on the current National Minimum Wage (NMW) of €10.10 per hour which will bring  it to €10.20 per … Read More

COVID Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS) updated 31st Dec

Updated 31st Dec On December 22nd the Government announced that public health restrictions would move to Level 5, with specific adjustments as of Christmas Eve, 24 December 2020. This resulted with the closure of all personal care services including hairdressers, … Read More

A Message & Valuable Resources from L’Oréal

“We are thinking of all of our hairdressing partners and your loved ones at thistime. We want to affirm our total solidarity and are here to help you tonavigate this challenging moment. Together with Industry Trade Bodies, weare working to … Read More

Level 5 Restrictions Nationwide: Midnight Wed 21st Oct

Yet another day in the diary of 2020 that we won’t forget fast…. Wed 21st Oct. Yesterday, Monday 19th Oct the Government confirmed that Level 5 Restrictions for the entire country would come into effect from Midnight Wednesday, October 21st … Read More

Face Masks

We cannot under estimate the importance of Face Masks in our sector. Lets face it (no pun intended!) since life with COVID began, we have been hearing about face coverings. It has made headlines (ah – another pun!) since early … Read More

Level 3 Restrictions Nationwide

Following on from NPHET’s emergency meeting last Sunday and their recommendation to move the country to Level 5, the Government announced on Monday night that the entire country was to move to Level 3 of the Plan for Living with … Read More

Resilience and National Recovery Plan for Living with COVID-19

The Government announces the much anticipated Resilience and National Recovery Plan for Living with COVID-19. This will be the guide for us all – families, business and society over the next 7 months as we Live with Covid-19. It is … Read More

Confirmed Close Contact – What to do?

We have received a number of enquiries from HABIC members with concerns about what to do in the case of someone in their household or the household of a member of their team testing positive for COVID-19, or as a … Read More

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